On September 30, 2022, after a court ruled that Mr. Brown’s state law claims fell outside of its purview because it was unable to decide the federal case due to Louisiana’s draconian one-year statute of limitations, the American Civil Liberties Union of Louisiana and Covington & Burling LLP filed a state court suit on behalf of Mr. Jarius Brown. That action, like the federal case he filed challenging the statute of limitations, was filed against DeSoto Parish Sheriff’s deputies for their excessive use of force against him.

The lawsuit asserts that on September 27, 2019, while in custody for nonviolent vehicle offenses, Plaintiff Jarius Brown was illegally and brutally beaten by DeSoto Parish Sheriff’s Office deputies. The lawsuit contends that Defendants are liable under Louisiana state law for their violent attack on Mr. Brown.  

The complaint alleges that upon his arrest, Mr. Brown was transported to DeSoto Parish Sheriff’s Office. There, he was led to the Sheriff’s Office laundry room to change into prison clothing. Mr. Brown arrived in the laundry room and proceeded to change.  While changing, and despite full compliance on Mr. Brown’s behalf, the DeSoto Parish deputies began to beat Mr. Brown without legal justification, warning, or provocation.  

The deputies hit Mr. Brown several times in his face and torso causing serious harm.  Indeed, Mr. Brown collapsed as a result of the attack.  After the attack ended, Mr. Brown was given a prison jumpsuit by Defendants and taken to a holding cell where he remained in isolation—bloody, beaten, and struggling to remain conscious—before his injuries were noticed by another deputy at the Sheriff’s Office. 

As a result of the attack, Mr. Brown sustained multiple injuries.  He continues to experience mental and emotional trauma from the beating.

Mr. Brown is one of countless Black men who have been unjustly brutalized by law enforcement in Louisiana. By bringing this case, Mr. Brown seeks to hold the DeSoto Parish deputies accountable for violating his rights.

In state court, Mr. Brown is arguing his claims should stick because the two year statute of limitations applicable to crimes of violence, should, as a minimum, apply to his state law claims. 

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